-(3)What are the advantages of hydrogen energy and fuel powered lithium batteries? Can so many countries persist in development over and over again?

(3)What are the advantages of hydrogen energy and fuel powered lithium batteries? Can so many countries persist in development over and over again?
author:enerbyte source:本站 click222 Release date: 2023-08-16 08:45:56
2. Regulations The transportation and management of hydrogen is a problem that troubles all governments that develop hydrogen energy. Hydrogen has always been a hazardous chemical, and high-pressure hydrogen is even more worrying to the public. Therefore, the safety of hydro...

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2. Regulations

The transportation and management of hydrogen is a problem that troubles all governments that develop hydrogen energy. Hydrogen has always been a hazardous chemical, and high-pressure hydrogen is even more worrying to the public. Therefore, the safety of hydrogen storage and transportation is currently being improved through the development of liquid hydrogen, solid metal hydrogen storage, and organic liquid hydrogen storage.

3. Ordinary consumer concept

The above two problems are both technical and there are always ways to solve them, but human psychological problems are not so easy to solve. The safety of hydrogen needs to be vigorously popularized, and even high-pressure hydrogen has no safety hazards as long as it is used normally.

Hydrogen Cloud Chain believes that human future energy choices will definitely be renewable and more environmentally friendly. Currently, hydrogen energy is very suitable. As for whether hydrogen powered vehicles are scams or not, it depends on how the entire industry has developed. After all, making judgments before the beginning is a bit too one-sided. The occurrence of multiple spontaneous combustion incidents has led the industry to examine the technical and quality issues behind the incidents. Academician Ouyang Minggao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences pointed out at the China Electric Vehicle Hundred People Conference held in January this year that the reason is that thermal runaway of batteries leads to spontaneous combustion. In pursuit of high energy density and high range, electric vehicles nowadays reduce the thickness of the separator in the battery, which poses a certain safety hazard to battery safety and can easily cause thermal runaway. In addition, the rapid adjustment of national subsidy policies and the lack of coordination with the development cycle of power lithium battery systems have resulted in products not being fully validated, leading to safety hazards.

Therefore, how to ensure the safety of the battery and the entire vehicle while rapidly developing new energy vehicles, improving their battery density and range, has become a key issue to be solved at present.

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